Tag Archives: exercise

How to Promote a Healthy Lifestyle at Home?

How to promote a healthy lifestyle at home?

Health is one of the most fundamental things that should not be overlooked within a household. When one member of a family is sick, everyone in the family suffers. Therefore, a healthy lifestyle should be promoted at home. Whatever role you have in the family, whether you’re the wife, husband, father, mother, son, or daughter, […]

How to Stay Healthy During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

How to stay healthy during the covid-19 pandemic?

COVID-19 Pandemic. Numbers are rising every day, in terms of people getting infected and dying of COVID-19. We have seen it in the news. This pandemic must be taken seriously. We are battling a deadly virus that we cannot see. The worst part is the vaccine yet to be made.  However, we can do something. […]